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Welcome to LINZ on RECOLLECT





Note – Field Book numbers have 4 digits, by adding ‘0’s at the front. Use 4 digits to search for items, for example:

  • Book 3 is ‘0003’
  • Book 23 is ‘0023’
  • Book 123 is ‘0123’



  • Books are named and arranged in numerical order, grouped by Land District.
  • To find all items use the search box above. To narrow your search results to a single Land District use the search boxes on the right.
  • Example search phrases:
    • GS-AK_0270 returns images from Book 270 in the Gisborne-Auckland book sequence
    • WN_0270 returns images from Book 270 in the Wellington land district 
  • Images are numbered in the order they were taken, and do not match page numbers. To find a specific page, flip through a book’s images.


  • Images may look fuzzy as they are lower resolution "browsing" versions to speed up access.
  • To see the high-resolution "viewing " image select an individual item, go tot that items screen and click "Zoom to 100%" icon on the left hand side bar
  • This retrieves the higher quality copy - it is larger and slower to load. When downloading  you will get the high-resolution version.




If you cannot find a book you think should be there, click the “Contact Us" button below and send a message explaining the issue, we will search the original registers to confirm if the book still exists.



Books were created by Lands and Survey surveyors so are ‘cadastral’ field books. Land and Deeds also created a separate sequence with duplicated numbers which are noted on the Plan face. If you have a Field book reference from the face of a DP Plan, or the book you find is earlier than the book of the survey you want, it is probable you need an “LT” (Land Transfer) field book. These are not digitised – use the “Request Manual Copy” here or alternately here.