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- Field Book6395
- Asset Type...
- FB 6395
- Land District...
- Otago 2569
- North Auckland 868
- Taranaki 739
- Wellington 721
- Antarctica 706
- Napier 477
- Hawkes Bay 125
- South Auckland 92
- Canterbury 75
- Gisborne 23
- LINZ Box ID...
- 45 637
- 46 532
- 47 433
- R038131112 384
- NAP6 344
- NA646 323
- R038131111 322
- 51 212
- 52 212
- 48 211
- WN46 188
- NAP4 133
- WN50 126
- HB19 125
- 50 114
- 49 110
- NA296 107
- 54 106
- TN13 93
- AKG3 78
- NA369 63
- NA433 63
- NA330 61
- WN120 61
- AKG2 59
- NA436 59
- WN91 58
- NA300 53
- WN23 53
- WN93 46
- WN39 45
- WN98 40
- WN30 36
- NA306 33
- NA314 27
- TN19 17
- GS79 13
- SA155 9
- Missing 7
- 44 1
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- Approved 95
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